Dublin Magician Brendan Byrne
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to supply Brendan with anything?
No. Brendan is totally self contained. In very rare instances Brendan may require overnight accommodation. Generally if the event is very early in the morning or very late in the evening and a substantial distance from Dublin.
How much does it cost to have Brendan entertain an event or party?
Let us be honest here. If price is the main deciding factor on who or what you book then Brendan may not be your man. Brendan offers a high end service for discerning clients, both private and corporate. Price depends on a number of factors such as date, location and amount of entertainment required. It is best to call Brendan in the office for a quick chat to discuss you requirements.
From his many years of experience Brendan is well positioned to suggest the most appropriate form of entertainment required for your event.
There are loads of guys doing this type of magic - what makes Brendan so great?
Well in a word - professionalism. Brendan is one of only a handful of magicians in Ireland who's sole source of income is from performing. Professionalism though is more then just about the performance or being full time. It is an attitude. An attitude that run's through Brendan's entire body and business practice and he guarantees that you are dealing with a reputable, proven and successful entity, chock full of integrity.
In this day and age anyone can throw a website up and make themselves out to be a professional magician. Please don't be fooled. The mark of a true pro at the top of his game is by the venues and clientele he has worked for and the testimonials garnered for their work. Many professional magicians simply are not professional magicians. Their tricks might be good but few know how to work a room, how to generate laughter and applause, when to approach a group and equally importantly when not to.
Is Brendan really as good as his site makes out?
In short yes. Over 80% of his bookings are repeat customers, direct referrals or result from having been seen at an event first hand. He stands by his entertainment 100% and guarantees the overwhelming majority of your guests will be thoroughly delighted by his unique skills.
Anything else Brendan can help with?
Should you have any other questions please get in touch through the contact link below.